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What does the Curves in this picture have to do with your Spine?

Well, the curves in this fence are symbolic as to the proper cervical thoracic and lumbar curves, that your spine needs to be stronger, stable, and flexible. Why are you may think that if your spine was straight, it would be stronger that is not necessarily the case. A straight spine will weaken the overall biomechanics of the spinal region, causing injury, tension reduced range of motion and pain. Read More

Why Do I need X-rays?

So, Dr. Joe why do you have to take x-rays. Well, the reason for that is not only to see what injuries or traumas that you may have experienced during your life, but to also rule out something that they may be there that we not be able to know without an x-ray. Read More

Your Weak Link

The Weak Link I believe is in your neck. This area is the most neglected area and overlooked and not exercised in society today. While it is estimated that over 80% of the population have back pain at one point in their lives and this most common complaint in my chiropractic office. We all focus on CORE and back exercises which is essential to help with low back strength and stability because we sit most of the day. But according to both Spine and Pain Journals, neck pain has an annual prevalence rate exceeding 30% among adults in the United States. Nearly 50% of individuals will continue to experience some degree of neck pain or frequent flareups of pain also. Among adults 20 to 70% will experience neck pain that interferes with their activities of daily living. Statistically, neck pain is consistently ranked in the top five disabling disorders in the United States Read More

What to do after a Auto Accident?

First access the situation and check yourself for injuries. If you're injured, call 911 or ask someone else to do so and wait for the appropriate emergency personnel. If a minor auto accident you can exchange information, document the accident and notify the insured. Many times after accidents the adrenaline is flowing and you may not feel much, but later that day or night the muscle soreness and injury may begin to set in... This is where whiplash injuries, neck/back pain, headaches and misalignments in the spine may start to occur within several hours to days of an injury. A chiropractic consultation and examination as soon as possible after an auto accident will help ease your pain, start to recovery process and can help prevent long term complications from the injuries caused by the accident. Read More

Can You Get a Concussion Without Hitting Your Head?

The short answer to this question is yes, you can get a concussion without hitting your head. A concussion is a traumatic brain injury (TBI). A concussion occurs when your brain moves inside of your head and collides with the interior wall of your skull. A concussion is caused by a blow, bump or jolt that causes the brain to deform or shake inside your skull resulting in changes in the chemistry of the brain, and it could damage brain cells and impair brain function. Read More

Chiropractic Care for Kids and Why Routine Adjustments are Important

I am constantly getting asked “why are so many parents taking their children to see a certified pediatric chiropractor?”. I tell them that the answer is quite simple, children have spines and a nervous system just the same as adults do. We want to make sure they are taking good care of it especially during the developmental years. Read More

How long should I wait after a recent fall or maybe an auto accident to be examined?

A question that I get asked is how long should I wait after a recent fall or maybe an auto accident to be examined?. We’ll, that answer is quite simple and I have always said that the longer you wait to address or fix something the harder it will be to correct. Let say you were recently involved in an auto accident, this accident didn't seem like much, but you were a little sore for a couple days and then maybe after several weeks your neck became a little stiff and restricted that was the beginning of some of the long-term effects of having some thing not addressed immediately after it happened. You're driving down the road and you hit a pothole going 55 miles an hour. You do have a couple choices, you can continue to drive thousands of miles with your being out of alignment or you can stop by a auto mechanic and have your tires realign so it doesn't cause long-term damage or wear and tear on your tire. Read More

Why did it take days for my Whiplash injury to show up, when I felt fine after the Accident?

The pain can start immediately or develop days, weeks, or sometimes even months later. Symptoms can vary widely among individuals age, gender and other health factors. Most people with whiplash begin to experience the effects within 6-12 hours after the accident. You may leave the scene of the accident or trauma counting your blessings that you weren’t seriously injured, only to wake up the next morning with moderate-to-severe pain and stiffness in your neck, shoulders and a throbbing Headache. This is because your adrenaline levels have now regulated and returned to normal, and your body has taken stock of the damage and sent in the necessary healing resources, which causes inflammation, muscle spasm and guarding. This is where the pain and stiffness can begin. This delay onset of symptoms is referred to as Late Whiplash Syndrome. According to the Journal Pain Practice (2008), it is estimated that 6.2 percent of all Americans currently suffer from Late Whiplash Syndrome. Read More

Health Tips for Children and Teens: 8 Things NOT to Do

A lot of my patients ask me about their children and about what they should (and should not) be doing to maintain proper spinal health. Since the habits formed early in a child’s life will often carry over into adulthood, it is important to ask these questions and to know what bad habits to look for and intervene on. Here I will discuss 8 different things that your child or teen should NOT be doing, and briefly explain why these things can be harmful to their health. Some of these are not extremely detailed, so feel free to ask me if you have any questions. Read More

The Most Neglected Exercise...

There is a neglected exercise that I believe is highly overlooked in the world today. While it is estimated that over 80% of the population have back pain at one point in their lives and this most common complaint in my chiropractic office. We all focus on CORE exercises which is essential to help with low back strength and stability because we sit most of the day. But according to both Spine and Pain journals, neck pain has an annual prevalence rate exceeding 30% among adults in the United States. Nearly 50% of individuals will continue to experience some degree of neck pain or frequent flareups of pain also. Among adults 20 to 70% will experience neck pain that interferes with their activities of daily living. Statistically, neck pain is consistently ranked in the top five disabling disorders in the United States Read More

Introducing...The Sit-Stand Desk

In one of my previous articles, I was saying stating that sitting is now the new smoking. I wanted to add a little bit to what I had said earlier and express a few of my thoughts and recommendations. We know that sitting at your desk all day is not good for your back and can put a toll on your hips and back. Over the last year, I have suggested to many of my patients that they either purchase and or ask for a standing desk to aid in their reduction of back pain, computer slouching and neck/upper back bad posture issues. Sitting all day can cause back pain, neck stiffness, headaches and several other things. I have been recommending to my patients that they start using a standing desk. Average prices are between $125 to $250 and according to a 2019 survey for Human Resources, standing desk are the fastest growing benefits trend and approximately 60% of employers provide or subsidize standing desks for their employees. Read More

Chiropractic Care for All Ages

Chiropractic care focuses on restoring and maintaining the health of the body's nervous system. When your nervous system is optimized and functioning properly, it enables the body's powerful healing and restorative systems to thrive. Interference in your nervous system causes pain and dysfunction in the way your body works. This interference is known as subluxation or misalignment. Muscles, bones and joints may become injured and misaligned resulting in nerves being irritated, pinched, or compressed, causing interference in the nervous system. This can lead to a variety of symptoms including pain. Thru chiropractic adjustments, we remove spinal misalignments and restore the function of the nervous system and allow the innate or natural healing mechanisms of the human body to take over. Chiropractic care is useful and effective for people of all ages and stages of life. Read More

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