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Which is worse a thick wallet in your back pocket or high heels for causing pain in your back?

Well, both of them can be instrumental in causing compensation and imbalances in your pelvis and in your lower back. But let's start with the wallets first. When I grew up as a kid, gentleman placed the wallet in his back pocket. As we aged the wallet became a little bit thicker as we added a little bit more plastic and of course some cash. Placing the wallet in our back pocket, the pelvis, or buttock region becomes elevated on that side. What this does is cause a tilting from one side to the left, producing a imbalance in the lower lumbar and sacral region of the spine. What initially seems as something simple, leads to compensation effects that will eventually cause irritation and pain on the lower spine and lumbar nerve regions. What it also does is cause a pinching of the lumbar and sacral nerves giving you lower back pain, shooting down into your legs and numbness in the toes. Read More

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