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How did my Back go out just from picking up a Paperclip?

I get asked all the time how my back just went out when I tried to pick up a paper clip or just getting the laundry out of the dryer. Well, the answer is very simple and also very complicated as well as to how your body let this happen. So here is the long and short answer. You should be able to do all these activities with ease, without difficulty and no possibility of flareups. What has occurred is that you have allowed your body to improperly adapt and compensate by doing the same thing over and over again without ever changing certain mechanics causing poor body dynamics which developed spinal dysfunction. What you've also done is allow muscular weaknesses and compensations to occur in your back muscles. This is caused by not actively stretching, exercising, changing and adapting you're normal sitting and standing postures that you have to do a continual daily basis at home and work. This weakness occurs when your body is not forced to either change, adapt or progressively improve through either an active flexibility, range of motion or resistance exercise program. Read More

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