
Viewing 161 - 165 out of 165 posts


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Text Neck Syndrome

We live in an age where almost every person (young and older) has a computer and a smartphone. On the average American spends 2.7 hours per day communicating and talking Read More


So, Dr. Joe…What does your license plate mean? Well, this has been quite funny over the last 6 years, as it says INNATE. Since we have all different variations in Read More

3,000 Mile Tune-Up

The question often arises over and over again…Should I still continue to come for regular adjustments even if I don’t have pain?  Well, I am glad you asked. I would Read More

Above Down Inside Out

Above Down Inside Out has been one of my favorite quotes in the Chiropractic world since starting Chiropractic school in 1988. As I chose the Fountainhead of Chiropractic, Palmer College Read More

8 Things I Don't Let My Kids Do

So many times, I am asked about some of the healthier habits that I have had on my kids over the years. Here is the "list of don’ts" because of Read More

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